Healthy Club Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How do I change my club healthy club portal login details?

To change the login details for your club’s healthy club portal account you must email a member of the GAA Community and Health Team ( All healthy club portal login (admin) change requests must be verified by the club secretary, therefore please copy your club secretary into the change request email to speed up the process.

  • Can there be more than one login (admin) per club?

No, for security reasons there can only be one login (admin) per club.

  • Information I added in previous phases is no longer there, why?

Healthy Clubs with a current foundation award do not have to strive for Silver or Gold awards but must continue to meet the Foundation Healthy Club criteria every two-years to maintain their status/award. Likewise, for Silver & Gold awards. Therefore your club’s portal interface has been reset. The healthy club portal is now open for reporting for the phase 6 reporting deadline of August 2025, reports submitted at this time will be in application to retain the clubs healthy club status for the period of 2025- 2027. Reports submitted in 2023 have now been moved to the healthy club report archive (shown below and on the left of the steps interface).

  • How do I access previous healthy club reports?

Reports submitted in 2023 have now been moved to the healthy club report archive, these can be accessed on the left hand screen of your screen below your healthy clubs steps.

  • When is the next reporting deadline?

The next reporting deadline is August 9th 2025.

  • Can I submit my report now?

Yes, you can submit your report now. However, please note applications for Foundation, Silver and Gold Healthy Club Awards will not be reviewed until the end of the Healthy Club phase (after August 9th 2025). Therefore, all submitted applications are pending until notification from the GAA Community & Health Team. Please note, once you submit your report, your report is locked and cannot be edited or unlocked.

  • Are tutorials available to demonstrate how to use the healthy clubs portal?

Yes you can access YouTube video tutorials here: GAA Healthy Club Portal Video Instructions .pdf.